These loans have many restrictions on what you can use the renovation funds for as long as the changes are permanent to the home and provide value. From small projects like paint and floors to large scale rehabs or additions, as long as repairs are completed within 12 months of the loan origination. This means you can use the loan for projects like:
○ New floors
○ A second, smaller home on the property
○ New landscaping
○ Kitchen remodel
○ Bathroom remodel
○ Mechanical upgrades and improvements (such as upgrading electrical or HVAC)
○ HomeStyle loans can also be used to build accessory dwelling units, like a carriage house or garage apartment or to finish a basement for an in-law suite.
Fannie Mae HomeStyle renovation loans allow you to make changes to your property, but they do have their limits. Here are a few examples of what is not covered by the Fannie Mae HomeStyle loan:
Tearing down a home
Making structural changes to more than 50% of a manufactured home
Building a second home on a new property
Improvements that are not permanent to the property like furniture, certain types of landscaping, light fixtures, or a moveable storage shed or unit